Vladyslav Babych
QA Automation Technical Lead
Company: Ciklum
Stream: А
Time: 15:00 - 15:45
Country: Poland
Language: English
Talk: Test Automation: How to avoid common mistakes and get the most from your automation project
About Speaker
Have 7 years of professional experience both in software development and testing. Was working as a backend dev for 3 years, and working in automation for 4 years (both UI and API testing) Any other info about you: Already conducted a talk on the same topic during Ciklum's Speakers Corner https://www.facebook.com/events/797847758253992/
Talk: Test Automation: How to avoid common mistakes and get the most from your automation project
Test automation can bring tremendous value to the project if implemented properly. Otherwise, it can quickly become a huge pain to maintain for the whole team. “Tests are too slow, results are unreliable, maintenance takes too much time” and so on… Have you ever heard those complaints before?
Fortunately, there are well-known ways to avoid common mistakes when working with automation and you’ll see how to do it. If you want to improve your automation game and avoid these complaints in the future – join us! We will cover:
⚫ Why focusing on “progressive” tests is more valuable than covering regression.
⚫ Why it is crucial to involve developers in your automation project and use the same programming language for both development and tests.
⚫ Proper test isolation: test data, test containers, and mocked external dependencies (Wiremock).
⚫ How to deal with flaky tests and why you should always keep the test pipeline green.
⚫ How to speed up your tests and why you should parallelize test execution from the very beginning.
⚫ Why you should invest in better logging instead of relying on debugging